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He Ira Kahui Anamata Trust

He Ira Kahui Anamata Trust was established on 2 July 2020, as a kaupapa based community response for post Covid-19 solutions within the Te Arawa rohe. 

We are known locally as 'HIKA Trust’. 

Our objects include the facilitation of initiatives that improve and maintain beneficial employment and wellbeing outcomes for whanau.

We know that effectiveness can be achieved by combining our skills and experience. We understand that improving outcomes at scale requires the collective impact of a community of stakeholders.

The HIKA Trust facilitates a collective alliance approach to Workforce Transformation that builds capability and capacity across our operations and in our community. Our inspirational translation forms our vision as a Collective of Infinite Potential.

Our logo depicts a tree which signifies growth from the ground up. The larger branches supporting the ones above, each one helping the next, representing whanau; nurturing and supportive, each playing their part, now and into the future.

The design deliberately has no top, allowing for  continual growth and development.

Our Programs

  • Kai Aroha Rotorua

    Ka Ora Ka Ako School Lunches Program

  • Whare Ora

    Maori Housing Network Critical and Essential Housing Repairs.

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